March 02, 2011

I don't love you like I did yesterday ~


Cause I love you even more!

Slept at 7am and woke up at 1030am. Why? 'Cause the whole internal crit is haunting me even in my dreams!!!! Just tmr & next monday and I'm done with all these shit. Just a little bit more ...

Was cracking my brain on brand positioning & competitor table the whole freaking day & I'm done with the whole ppt or maybe my own one. One of the designers had yet to send me her left over slides. I'm praying hard that she don't send me last min because I really don't like to rush. Shall print everything first for now. Mum & dad are so cute when I told them that I'm all stress up. I ask mum what if I fail my presentation tmr & she say she'll go to school & scold whoever that failed me & ask he/she to pay all the money that she spent on me for the whole freaking FYP. LOL

Was looking through the photos in FB & saw my baby photo. Somehow I regret that I didn't listen to mum & learn playing piano. My mum is a ex piano teacher & her daughter can't play piano. How wonderful is that right. Mum always say i got talent in piano 'cause I can remember every key quickly but still, piano don't catch my attention. However I think it did caught mine when i was still a baby. LOL!!!

[caption id="attachment_3384" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="My mum's piano & it's still usable now at my cousin's house"][/caption]

Maybe if next time I can't get a job or I don't take over the company I can learn piano & teach piano. HAHA. I always miss the times when I was younger. Nothing to think of, no stress over school projects neither upset over relationship, esp no quarrels between my parents & I. At least now things are better, quarrels lessen. I remember how naughty I used to be and dad will be holding on to a cane & chasing after me all over the house & if I hide in the room I'll be dead meat 'cause when he open the door he will just swing the caneS every where, he wouldn't care even if he hits my face. Then mum will be the one helping me apply cream on my cane marks. & sometimes in public I will talk back to my dad, guess what he will do. He would just give me one tight slap and everytime that slap hits my nose & I start bleeding, nose bleeding. LOL. Come to think of it it's quite hilarious to be slapped in public follow by nose bleeding. I was really very naughty when I was young. Like once I remember I was at kindergarden & I wanted to have my parents attention & so I saw my friend riding the bicycle & I lied on the floor to get hit by the bicycle. How great right. I did many things to have my parents attention & I was expel from the school. LOL. Conclusion, I was stubborn & need attention result in being a naughty bitch. HHAHAH


Temperature check 38.5 degree,  I hope the fever will go down by tomorrow morning. Gonna sleep now. TATA
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