March 10, 2011

I was not born to please you`

One more day to left till B fly off to Taiwan. I can't deny the fact that a little part of me is happy that's he's going Taiwan because I'll get my entire freedom back for a month. But another big part of me don't want him to go. I rather not have all those freedom and have him by my side. I'm contented with just seeing him for a day or so as long as I can hear him, and know how he's doing I'm contented. But the fact is still the fact, he's flying off at 6pm on Friday and I might not be able to send him off. The more I think of it, the more I'm upset about it. I hope we can spend a fruitful on Thursday but we can only spend the night together 'cause I'm going to some fashion brand private launch talk. Shall elaborate on that after everything is confirmed. Anw, I'll spend my afternoon in the office and B's gonna get his new BB. Can't wait to get mine before my birthday. There's so many things I want to do with so limited cash. Got to find job alr & get both my dress sewn and go back to my sewing class. Excited about it but I forgot almost everything. RECAP***

I'm browsing through the the packages provided by different travel agencies for the Korea trip. This is how great my mum is, she wants me to look for it and tell her. She could have just drive to every agencies and take their brochures instead 'cause I have to translate to chinese for her. T.T Anw, MAC cosmetics launch their new wonder woman collection and I'm totally in love with the lipsticks and lipgloss. Shall get it ASAP before it run out of stocks. I sprained my ankle yesterday 'cause I was wearing my super high aldo wedges and I haven't been wearing it for a month and my ankle is hurting now or perhaps the whole day while I was walking.

Had dinner at kallang airport with Cher, minmin, Li Ting, Joan and xiangyu. Yes, my girlfriend has the same name as me. What a small world right. LOL. We order like 30sticks of chicken satay, big stingray, big oyster omelette and chicken wings with 3 freaking big cups of sugar cane drinks. Have been eating heaty food these few days and it's really unhealthy, bad for the face & skin too. Shall drink more bird nest since I found out mum bought a few boxes of bird nest to restock. She didn't hide it well enough from me. HAHA!!! I shall sleep early from now on to prevent pimples from popping out though I don't have issues on outbreaks when sleeping late, still never be too over confident. Gonna go back to my CSI, Gossip Girl, Nikita & Vampire Diaries. & hell yes, I'm really good at multi-tasking. (:
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