Went ECP yesterday because I was feeling really down. Was crying the whole time and I wasn't able to stay home any longer 'cause I don't want my parents to worry for me. Met Cher at ECP and got a free cotton candy from aloy and walked all the way to 1 twenty six. Chill there till about 12plus almost 1am. Had heart to heart talk with Cher the whole time. I was really upset about everything that happen and I feel so bad to make everyone worry for me. I'm sorry... ... .
Today I went for eyelash perming in the noon and home afterwards. Stayed home the whole day & wanted to get some sleep but as expected, tears started falling. Stared watching tv after I calm myself down till about 8plus and met Kenneth. Had been meeting him for the past few days 'cause I needed someone to listen to me and today he say he will support my every decision as long as I'm happy with it. I felt better after hearing that.
Now, I'm hungry and feel damn warm inside out. Weather is totally unbearable. Singapore is so boring !!!!!