Worked as usual for the whole week. Got leave for Friday. Went drinking and singing on Thurs night and yes, I was wasted, I'm a lousy drinker. Hangover the next day but it wasn't as bad as the previous time. Went to get my nails remove at junying's then cab to fep for eyebrow trimming and rested at home. Out for movie at vivo at night. Caught "Pirates of the Caribbean - On stranger tides" It's awesome! Totally love Johnny Deep. Supper at St James hawker then slack around at vivo and went home. Was super tired and I'm still very tired now. Woke up at about 2 plus in the afternoon today. Watched a little tv then start packing for HK. Dinner and now, I'm gonna get some rest. Tired to the max.
Sleeping helps alot for my mood now. 'Cause when I sleep I won't think of anything or anyone. TATA! Nights