Had photo shoot on Thursday, so no matter how reluctant I was, I drag myself out of the house. Movie in the night at Marina. "You're the apple of my eye" It's really a nice show, those adolescent years.
Then it was stay home Friday, stay home Saturday & stay home Sunday. All thanks to me not sleeping & fell sick. ):
I feel like I wasted one whole week not studying. Just lazing around and spending most of the time in bed. Less than a month to exams! Got to burn midnight oil alr. Wish me luck!!!!!
Now this week!
Nothing much this week either. Caught "Already Famous". It's a nice show but I guess at that point of time I wasn't in the mood for a comedy. Glad that everything is fine now. Had a photo shoot on Thursday then off to dad's office to help him with his stuff. Anw I decided to cut short two of my dresses of the same design but different colour. & I totally love the new length now!
[caption id="attachment_5224" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Already Famous"]
[caption id="attachment_5220" align="aligncenter" width="594" caption="Hotdogs from Brotzeit!"]
[caption id="attachment_5219" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Straight length & Fish Tail"]
Dinner at Les Bouchons Rive Gauche on Friday before meeting Rox at Zouk. It was a rainy day & fortunately I brought my umbrella out! Had Ribeye Steak for dinner and the medium rare steak was delicious. No word can describe, it's damn nice and the butter that comes with it brought the steak to another level! Haha. Had Supper at Balestier some Bat Kut Teh stall, don't really remember the name 'cause I was too tired alr. But thw soup was nice & I had 3 bowls of it. It's nice to have a hot soup on a rainy night! Had Japanese buffet at Senki on Saturday night. It was another rainy day till night! Been there 3 times and it never disappoint me once. The buffet is really worth it!
[caption id="attachment_5243" align="aligncenter" width="594" caption="Ribeye Steak"]
[caption id="attachment_5231" align="aligncenter" width="540" caption="Rox"]
[caption id="attachment_5232" align="aligncenter" width="594" caption="Senki"]
[caption id="attachment_5235" align="aligncenter" width="594" caption="Sashimi. Doped!"]
[caption id="attachment_5242" align="aligncenter" width="594" caption="Goma ice cream"]
[caption id="attachment_5227" align="aligncenter" width="540" caption="ME!"]
New Collection will be up on OHVOLA on Monday 8pm. Don't Miss it!!!