Exams are over like finally. Just for that two days, I feel like I've aged 10 years for it. Crossing my fingers & hope I will pass (:
It's December again, can't believe that another year it's gonna pass. It's seems faster and faster each year, & i'm getting older & older too! 2012 is coming to an end and I'm glad I've spend my year fruitfully.
First I started my year by having a holiday in Hokkaido with my parents for CNY. Hokkaido is one of the few places that I really wanna go and I love it there. All the snows, food and hot spring, it wasn't the first time I'm seeing snow but definitely the first time that it snowed every single day when I was there. I'm definitely going back there for there sakura blossoms!
Then was spending my 21st birthday in Hong Kong with my favourite girls esp with Pris! Yea I know, Hong Kong so boring right. But nope, it depends on who you went with and what you do there and I really did enjoyed myself though there's some part of it wasn't very nice but it's still great when I don't have to spend it in the boring Singapore.
I spent first half of the year rotting and studying at home and after my first exams I realised that it was really a waste of time so I went out to look for a job. & after I think 3 interviews, I finally get a job. A real full time job. My previous jobs are all temporary but this it's full time & I get to learn so many things that nobody can teach if all I do is rot at home, watch movies and shopping.
It's quite tough to work and study at the same time when I'm study ACCA which is already tough when I don't work and now an accounting job it makes everything tougher but what they always say "Getting through tough times makes you stronger". I've been working for almost 6 months and I love what I do and what I can learn from my work place & colleagues 'cause most of them are older and they experience more than me, give me advices and listen to me rant about everything in life. The best part of a job is that your boss is a great boss, your colleagues are friendly and kind & there's no office politics at all. I love it (:
There's ups and downs in 2012 but I have lovely people around me to bring me through it & I really appreciate all of it. Every step I take, every time I fall & pick myself up, every tears that I've dropped, every day that have passed, it makes me learn to cherish things & people that I have around me. I might not have more than ten good friends but I think it's not about the numbers, it's the people that matters the most. People come and goes very often & those who stays are those who knows you, care about you and loves you. Just a handful of you that make a differences to my life is enough & I love every single one of you.
Thanks for helping me through times that I thought will be too hard for me, thanks for lending me your listening ear and a shoulder to cry on & yes I know sometimes I just go on and on with my rants, thanks for bearing with me and giving me advices to what I should or should not. There's so many things that I can't thank you guys enough, to sum it up, All of you are the best (: