Mum woke me up today saying that she might be bringing grandparents to the flyer & ask me whether I want to go along. I was super tired but I was saying if you can wait for an hour then I go. LOL. Surprisingly she say okay so I drag my tired body out of bed and started preparing. Had Curry Fish head for lunch. Favourite curry fish head 'cause it's damn nice. At Farrer Park. After lunch then off to grandma house. Talked to grandma & grandpa then grandpa suddenly say he will pass me all his HK Dollars when I go HK. Then grandma was telling me that she had a YSL glasses say she cannot wear & ask me if I want it. Of course I want it since I was planning to get a new glasses.Left grandma house around 3plus and back home to park the car then took mrt to Marina Square. Actually I wanted to get my denim high waisted shorts from topshop, end up I got another two more tops & jeggings. Bill was about $138 after $20 voucher and 10% discount. Imagine without all those it will be like $170plus. HAHA! After topshop was Zara then went to get the lens of the YSL glasses changed. After the lens is changed, I realise the specs look so big on my face. SHIT! Wasted $150. ): Dinner at Kenny Rogers. Super love the ribs. & it's also my first time eating it 'cause I don't bear to spend my money on ribs & chicken. LOL. Got another 8 more masks from tony moly after dinner & also tangerine hand cream, sunscreen milk, eye patch & lip patch. This is why I love shopping with mum and dad. I get everything I want. HAPPY!!!!
My lips taste so sweet, WHY? 'Cause I pull honey on it to moisturize it. HAHHA. Anw, I got a new bedsheet today. It's red in colour. Love it.
[caption id="attachment_3477" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Delicious Curry Fish Head"]
[caption id="attachment_3478" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="DINNER"]
[caption id="attachment_3479" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Ribs & Chicken"]
[caption id="attachment_3480" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Potato Salad"]
[caption id="attachment_3481" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Garden Green Pasta Salad"]
[caption id="attachment_3482" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mash Potato"]
[caption id="attachment_3483" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Coleslaw "]
[caption id="attachment_3484" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Bake Fillet"]
[caption id="attachment_3485" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="YSL Glasses"]
[caption id="attachment_3486" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="i know I look dumb"]