Until now I still felt back lying to dad & mum. SHIT!!! It's been so long since I stop lying to them & I lost the grip already. Used to don't even feel a thing & not even blink while lying to them but now, everything changed. Why do I have to lie? Because my parents love me & they're very protective. So by telling them the truth = not allow to stay over at B's house. Because they love me that's why they are protective towards me and that's why they don't allow B to stay over at my place neither do they allow me to stay over at his. I used to think that they are too old fashioned and too conservative in the 21st century. But now, maybe because I'm going 20, I can cool my head and think clearly why they are like that. There's just an answer to it, 'cause they love me. That's all. Somehow, parents that allow boyfs to stay over at their daughter's house, aren't that great I guess. Why? Because they don't even care about what will happen and how will people think of them and their daughter. It's all about the image. How should I phrase it, hmm, maybe the parents don't love them enough or they can't be bothered. This kinda family just show how their children will be like. It's always about the IMAGE!
Enough of craps.
Went for eyebrow trimming at FEP today like finally after more than a month. & Candics say that my eyes look like barbie doll. I think that's too exaggerated. Then off to Suntec to meet Cher. Saw Li Ting 'cause she working there. Met Cher and went for the IT Fair. The whole IT fair almost look like it's gonna black out. WHY?! Because there are freaking many BG walking, squeezing and pushing around. Cher & me was like trying to avoid them but they were every where. LOL. Walked around and saw some insignificant people, shan't elaborate since I emphasis on insignificant. LOL. Look for Olympus Pen and Cher & I was so fascinated by it & I think I want to get that after B's back from Taiwan or maybe when they have newer version next year I shall get it for his 21 birthday instead of a DSLR since it's too bulky. Dinner at Carl's Jr & it was my first time having it. I always stop B from wanting to eat it 'cause I feel that it's too expensive but whatever, once and no more though it's nice still, I don't think it's worth the price. After dinner, we went to Tony Moly to see and I end up buying to mask to try and the honey one is damn good. Just did hair mask & face mask just now and I feel so refresh now but still tired. Window shop at Topshop and home sweet home.
Anw I painted my nails in the morning with the katy perry nail colour and black shatter. Still so excited when I see the shatter crack. LOL. & I had a open ceremony for my naked palette & use it. It's freaking nice and apparently 830 palettes were sold out yesterday shortly after arrival. It was really freaking fast. Lucky me(:
I'm praying hard now that the earthquake and tsunami in Japan will not affect alot in Taiwan. I want my B to come back alive in one piece to celebrate my birthday with me. I miss B a lot and I cried 3 times last night just because I missed him too much. Guys shouldn't be selfish. They should find gf after they finish NS instead of before 'cause it's quite torturous to the gf. ESP when they are out of SG. Feel so shitty. Luckily that I'm free from any projects and stress or else I'll have a very hard time to deal with. Happy 3 years 2 months anniversary. It just feel like we are one old married couple. Even when I was at B's house it felt like we were married for a very long time. We talk about things my parents will talk about, we do things that married couples will & we act like one. I like that kinda feeling. I miss you B. Come back quick. LOVES (:
[caption id="attachment_3459" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="HAPPY ANNI. We still have a long way to go. LOVES"]
[caption id="attachment_3460" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Seche Base Coat"]
[caption id="attachment_3464" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="4 Coats of Not like the movies"]
[caption id="attachment_3465" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="With Black Shatter & Seche Vite top coat"]
[caption id="attachment_3466" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="My first Carl's Jr Burger. Western Bacon Cheeseburger"]