Finally my wordpress is back to normal on my macbook. & finally MY EE IS FREAKING OVER. Today really marks the end of my 3 years poly life. Besides having to go back for debrief on friday and dip show in Apr, there's nothing much to day already.
I'm still kinda upset. Why? 'Cause I might not be able to send B off on friday due to EE debrief and tearing down of booth. It's like lecturers love to drag and delay and debrief starts at 2 and B's flight at 6pm. I just don't think I'll be able to make it which is upsetting me alot now. ): Gonna stay over at B's house on Thurs to accompany him just incase I really can't send him off.
After EE today I went over to B's house and slept all the way till 9pm. In between I heard his sis and mum calling us out for dinner but as expected we didn't wake until 9. Haha. Had curry chicken with rice for dinner and it was from my favourite stall at bedok. (: B's mum bought for me. Was playing tap tap revenge with B and then home sweet home.
Since everything is over now, I'm gonna go on a shopping spree with my parents soon. SHooping for what? Gonna shop for my facial products and make up!!!!! Then leave a day for my parents so that we can go spa together after these few months of stress. Then find a part time job, probably office hours and not sales. Next will be the HK trip then Korea trip. I'm so excited about everything after graduation. Lastly, have to make up my mind as to what course I want to study in UNI, business admin, marketing or accounts. Can't make up my mind yet.
Anw I painted a new nail colour and I love it to the max. I want to order more but shall wait till after my birthday since I going for extension again & I'm going for eyelash extension & hair cut before 8 Apr for my birthday. One month will pass quickly and B will come back in no time. I know I'm just trying to console myself.
[caption id="attachment_3417" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Don't you know Jacques "]
Going to bed soon and now I can sleep peacefully. Going school tmr 'cause pris is presenting then to Actually at Purvis Street to look at that particular brand of wedges. I shall bring more cash tmr incase I see any wedges I like. But Jeffery Campbell wedges is expensive to the max, still I love their designs. Night Darlings (: