My Internet is giving me some problem. I can access every site but not wordpress and I don't know why I'm typing this post w my iPhone while waiting for my nails to dry so that I can go to sleep.
Watched the time traveler's wife just now and I tear. It was really a v nice and touching movie.
Gonna sum up what happened this few days and there's not much to talk about actually. Thursday went to school in the morning and hoping that I can be done with the booth but I was wrong. I end up going home at 6. Then on Friday was the grading of the booth at 4. Again reaches school before nine and when everyone's booth is half complete, my booth was still empty. I did not panic and fortunately having one group mate to help out and started putting things up to the booth n done by 350pm. Happy with everything especially when my lecturer say she like it. Happy to the max.
I almost finish the whole post and wordpress cash without saving. Ya so I'm not gonna type it all over again. Summarize of happenings during th weekend is that I gave it all to my report n Having B to accompany me. He's going Taiwan on fri and I'm not looking forward to that at all.
I really want to text you when you're back but I refrain myself from doing that to avoid chances of me carling on our date. I really miss you alot. I hope you miss me too.