I'M DAMN FUCKING BORED!!!! I'm home the whole day painting my nails, getting my boards right, munching on food & watch AXN. Suppose to be going out with Joan tmr but the radiation thingy ruin our plans. I just hope B will be alright since he is in Taiwan where it's freaking near Japan. Praying for him. Promised B that I will not do online shopping but I still did. Bought a cardigan online and when I regretted it was too late. Have to pay for it T.T Shall have more self-control from now on.
[caption id="attachment_3500" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="I change my nail colour AGAIN"]
[caption id="attachment_3501" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Love this wedges"]
So tempted to buy wedges, nail polishes & clothes but trying to restraint myself from doing that & saving money for Hong Kong. I want go for a shopping spree there. Can't wait. 2 more months to go. But I think when I'm in HK B will be in Brunei for another month ): Now I'm looking for manufacturer that manufacture shoes so I can design my own one and manufacturer it. Asking mum to help me look for it too. Since I'm staying home tmr I shall get my dresses sew. Hope I can remember how to sew it so I can go back to class this week. Just took all my figure drawing stuff out and am gonna start drawing figures with clothes again. Not gonna end my interest just yet even though I'm not gonna further it.