First I was disappointed when there's no replies for all my resume sent & now everyone's calling. I just hope I get one job soon so that I will leave all the unhappy stuff behind my head for the time being. I hate it when I feel this way with everything back to square one and I know things just can't go on the same.
Stay home the whole day again and munching on my food. Trying to get my figure drawing right but got more & more pissed off. Not really so good at drawing I guess. Meeting Cher tomorrow at Salvation Army then bugis to get my fringe cut. Gonn aask my stylist about the hairstyle I wanna perm for my birthday. Permanently. Sick of my straight hair already. & maybe if I bear to part w the cash, I'm gonna get a new line and bb 9780. Back to Leverage & CSI. TATA!