Work as usual, and last day will be on 30 June. Time flies damn fast, I've been working for 3 months & I really enjoy it besides the part of having to sleep early & wake up early. Going back to school in July alr. Haven't been studying and having exams for the pass 3 years, wonder if I can still cope with that kinda life. Maybe if I can't I'll just go back to work or sth. Don't wanna think about it now gonna enjoy what's left first!
Met pris today for dinner and both of us look damn shag like we haven't been sleeping for days. Without makeup and attire was really bad. But never mind. No one to see either. Got my dolly wink lashes today like finally i decided to get. Haha. Dinner at nex then to farrer park to accompany pris get her stuff then home sweet home don't feel v well throughout the whole bus ride. Was having fever. On my bed now trying to finish this post which was saved in my draft for a long time.